Hello and welcome to UPDATE 3 of SENRAN KAGURA ESTIVAL VERSUS: Details galore!
It’s been a while since the last update, but we’re sure that the avalanche of news and interesting content of this one will more than make up for the wait! We have so much stuff to share with you that it’s actually difficult to decide where to start, so prepare yourself for a veritable information overload!
To begin with, we would like to show you the final Dakimakura case. Here it is in all its glory; no mock-ups, no watermarks, no drafts – just three of the classiest and most attractive ladies you will ever see, and they can’t wait to share a bed with you!

And speaking of beauty, this is as good a moment as any to show you the final artwork that will be on the cover of the games.

Why are we using two different covers? The reason why we are using a different art for the PS Vita version is because the USK logo (the age ratings system in Germany) takes too much space on the PS Vita box, and it really did not look nice, as it covered Miyabi’s face. That’s why we kept the original image from the Japanese image for the PS Vita version, but since both images are really beautiful, we’re sure that everyone will be pleased.
Oh, there’s another little detail we would like to share with you about the covers. As it turns out, they will be reversible! If you prefer the Japanese front cover on your PS4 version – then we’ve got you covered too! If you prefer the PS4 design on your PS Vita case – then, you’ve guessed it!

But wait, there’s more! A reversible cover you say? But that means there is a back too – and we’ve really gone all out… we hope you will like the art we’ve chosen – it took many internal discussions, but we think the final result is well worth it!
What about the box, we hear you cry?! We’ve kept the design very similar to the Japanese – but with a Marvelous twist! The artwork is now supersized to show off its incredible glory. Remember those swanky SENRAN KAGURA 2: Deep Crimson boxes? These are the same size! If you are the keenest of collectors you might fancy pushing two boxes together for the full picture, or if you prefer switch a single box around for the equally delightful reverse. We couldn’t leave anyone without any of the characters! Here’s the prototype (quality not final):

And what’s inside? Well we’ve stepped up our game in this department too – we’ve trimmed a bit of fat, and if you are lucky enough to have secured a Bahonkas edition then you will find another addition! Or rather, a reduction! Don’t be surprised if you find Katsuragi peeking perversely at you as you delve into the goodies!

Next up is the soundtrack! Again, we’ve kept to the original Japanese format of providing the larger case and even kept cuties Yagyu and Hibari on the front – on the inside we’ve opted to show more delicious artwork featuring all four academy leaders in their beach attire. You’ll be pleased to hear that we can share the final artwork of the CD sleeve and the CDs themselves, as well as the final track list. Here’s the whole shebang! We pushed really hard for as much content as possible – and the keen-eyed might notice a few little extras! We hope you enjoy!!

DISC 1 01 SUNSHINE FES (Short Ver.) 02 It’s Summer on the Shinobi Beach! 03 Gazing at the Light of Dusk 04 Silence of the Waves 05 Defending the Festival Platforms 06 Our School, Hanzō Academy! 07 Nice of You to Come! Hebijo! 08 Fascinating Gessen Girls’Academy 09 Festival Resounds in the Mountains 10 Splendor of Edo 11 Sound Off! The Beating Soul 12 Passionate Beach! 13 Light and Silence 14 Hot Snowscape 15 Amusement Park of Candy 16 Get Hot! 17 Red Hot KAZAN 18 Place of Prayer 19 Sayuri’s Whim 20 Fear, Anxiety, and Expectation 21 Place that Fiery Hope in Your Heart 22 Chatting with the Usual Friends 23 The Meaning of the Festival 24 Festival Platform Smash 25 Always In Our Hearts 26 Sad Musical Notes 27 Relief Is Right Next Door 28 The Trouble with Frenemies 29 A Nonchalant Feeling 30 BC Mask Theme 31 Just a Biiiiiit 32 Addicted to Shopping 33 NATSUBI 34 SUNSHINE FES (Instrumental) 35 Stylish SHADOW 36 Ayame Says Thank You Very Much! 37 Shinobi Window Shopping 38 Trick or Tr...ick? 39 To Awaken My Friend 40 Future of Resolution
DISC 2 01 Grandfather’s Wish 02 My Vow 03 Ready to Say Goodbye 04 Je Suis La Ninja Japonaise 05 Watch Me! 06 To Show How You’ve Grown 07 Grandma’s True Intentions 08 The Quest of Hien’s Wielder 09 A Nice, Simple, Head-to-Head Brawl! 10 I’ll Definitely Protect You! 11 Hibari is HI-BA-RI! 12 First Step Toward Understanding 13 Hope and Determination for Mother 14 Indigo Murasaki’s True Feelings 15 I Want My Desire to be Known 16 In Order to Stay True to Myself 17 Hurt Me Really, REALLY Bad 18 Victory, Festival and Discord 19 Slash on Through to Mastery! 20 Bean Sprouts and My Seafood 21 I Began to Feel it in My Heart 22 Futsure’s Idea 23 Pink Sadism 24 The Meaning of Victory 25 The Beauty Who Shaved Her Life 26 To My Sisters 27 Those Who Serve the Kagura 28 Hanabi Goes Kaboom! 29 Are You an Idiot? 30 Old Priestess Who Risks Her Life 31 Flower of the Festival Blooms 32 To My Comrades 33 The Reason Time Goes On 34 Inferior Strength 35 Today’s Enemy, Tomorrow’s Friend 36 Sign of Strength 37 Kunoichi Victory 38 Naraku/True Kagura Victory
Another entirely new addition to these already “bursting to the brim” special editions – something to keep our very special art cards collated nicely: your very own ESTIVAL VERSUS envelope. It’s a little something – but we are always wanting to improve things and every little helps!

And while we’re at it, we thought you would like to see the astounding art cards we’ve carefully chosen for you…

We’re confident that these pictures will provide you with much visual comfort over the coming years!
Next up, an update about the game itself! And we have been on quite the journey.
We have heard the cries about what’s happening with the patches and DLC and we finally are able to let everyone know what the deal is.
Patch A patch will update the game to version 1.17 and will include all of the additional content, improvements and bug fixes that come with it. It’s worth mentioning that two of characters, Daidōji and Rin, which have previously been paid-for additions, are included for FREE!
Examples of free goodies added in the patch include new and exciting missions, more background illustrations for the Dressing Room, a load more accessories for your Shinobi and additional “Creative Finishers” that can be activated by defeating other Shinobi (or being defeated!) while standing next to certain points during gameplay. We have a few favourites in the office, and would love to know which ones are yours!\
Paid Content Other characters such as Ayame, Ayane, Naraku AND Kagura will also be available as paid downloadable content.
The release plans for paid content has yet to be finalised – but rest assured, we will be making this information available in the final ESTIVAL VERSUS Update, and through our social channels.
Expect much more content in the form of missions, costumes, SHINOVI VERSUS BGM tracks, accessories and hairstyles!

Whilst on the topic of paid DLC, we regret to inform you that the Ikki Tousen characters (Sonsaku, Kan-u and Ryofu) will stay exclusive to the Japanese version. This means that they will not be purchasable or playable in the Western release of the game.
In order to maintain compatibility with the Japanese version, online players using Ikki Tousen characters against you will be presented with re-skinned versions of these characters. Please note that these re-skins won’t be available for sale either.
We understand this is very disappointing news, but sadly, due to international licensing issues, these characters could not be included. In the unlikely scenario that these licensing issues change we will endeavour to bring them over.
Moving onto something a bit more positive, we would like to show you how dedicated we are to bringing the glorious majesty of sweet, sweet Oppai to the western world. To that effect, we leave you with the barcodes that will decorate the outside packaging of the limited editions of the game. We relish the thought of Oppai delighting the many hands that will eventually deliver the final product to your door!

Phew! That’s it for today! Itching for more? Remember that we’re one day closer to announcing a release date, and, by extension, to the release itself, so hold tight – the wait will be over soon!
As usual, remember that you can pre-order your game only on www.marvelousgames.com.
Thanks for reading!