Hello everyone!
Welcome to the second official Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven blog article. If you missed out on our first first article introducing the game, you can check it out HERE. Moving swiftly on, blog two spills the beans on some of the game's main characters. The cast is at the heart of Lord of Magna (or LoM as we’ve taken to calling it in the office), with the abundance of colourful personalities and cute interactions being two of our favourite features. Below you will find information on Luchs Eduard; the main protagonist of the game, and also the 7 mystical faeries whom he encounters as the story progresses. Each character has their own distinct personality and traits, which is what we feel makes the game so special and enjoyable. We were actually so excited about sharing this information that we even made a video trailer to go along with it! You can check it out below, and if you think your friends or followers would enjoy it don’t forget to share it with them!
For those of you that want a bit more insight regarding the personalities of each character, we’ve also provided some short written descriptions below. These summaries only scratch the surface, but to find out more and pick your favourite faerie you’ll have to make sure to download the game from the eShop on June 4th!

Luchs Eduard
The owner of Famille Inn on the outskirts of Luneville. Recent events have made his normally pleasant and quiet life anything but, yet he can’t help but wear a smile through it all. Immeasurably kind, he takes pride in looking after his own, and places the concept of “Family” above everything else.

Nickname: Lottie
A bubbly faerie who was found encased in a massive crystal. Easy-going and sporting an infectious smile, she makes herself right at home at Famille Inn as a live-in maid. Unfortunately, while she’s a first-rate fighter, her domestic skills could use some more fine-tuning -- something that’s particularly apparent whenever it’s her turn to cook dinner.

Nickname: Trixie
A self-proclaimed perfectionist who handles all daily chores at the inn with aplomb, especially cooking. She has a kind heart and is willing to jump through hoops to ensure that those around her are taken care of, even if playing the big sister can be a trying task. Her personal motto is: ”Efficiency is a fine companion to visual presentation.”

Was geht? An eccentric faerie who peppers her speech with foreign words from the east -though that’s the easiest thing to understand about her. A brilliant mind who’s far from shy, she divides her time between saying things that are a little less than appropriate and building new inventions, all for the sake of making those around her happy.

Nickname: Gabbie
The youngest of the seven sisters. She is one of the most social members of the family, having recently made some loyal subjects-er… FRIENDS- in town. Her bossy attitude comes solely from a desire to present herself as an independent adult, and the fact that she has a long way to go before she gets there is the root of much insecurity for her.

Nickname: Di
A born warrior and a brilliant strategist. Spending much of her life honing her spear-fighting skills has resulted in her missing out on some basic social etiquette - making her prone to some rather strange behaviour from time to time. Still, at her core, she’s a sweet girl with an honest heart.

Nickname: Fran
A warrior who fights first and asks questions later. Her dedication to exercise is second to none, and she’ll often work out from sunup till sundown. Part of her does it out of true passion, but part of her also does it to avoid interaction with others - not because she doesn’t want to, but because she finds herselves behaving too awkwardly to hold a real conversation.

Nickname: Addie
The eldest of her sisters. Beautiful, strong, elegant and intelligent, she handles her position as the oldest with ease and has no shortage of admirers. However, most can sense that even with her perfect smile and perfect demeanour, she has her limits… and it’s best not to test them.
We hope you enjoyed this fantastic new look at the characters of Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven, and that you’re excited for its release on on the eShop on June 4th!
Our next blog will be a more focused look at the combat, and will also have its own unique trailer. As always, you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook for even more updates.
As an extra bonus, we've included a shareable poll to see which character players are most excited about! See below and feel free to share!
Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven Character Poll