SENRAN KAGURA 2: Deep Crimson - 3DS
Marvelous Europe asked us to run a European PR campaign around the launch of SENRAN KAGURA 2: Deep Crimson. Decibel achieved deep coverage across all target media and set up various competitons across social media to help this much resisted title (see fanservice...), achieve some serious cut through coverage.

Man O' War: Corsair - PC/Steam
In collaboration with Press Space PR, Decibel was asked to form a full PR campaign around new Gamesworkshop title from Evil Twin Artworks, 'Man O' War'. To date we have annouced the game, provided feedback on asset creation and placed high profile interviews and game features accross target specialist media. The campagin continues appace...

Mazecraft - iOS
Hyper Liger approached Decibel after seeing us do Marioke at PGC in 2015... Luckily our PR is better than our singing voice and we executed a smart campaign that saw Mazecraft featured on the App Store as well as widely reviewed in all kinds of media. Decibel is now Hyper Liger's official PR department and will remain so for ever because we love them very much. Seriously, go check out Mazecraft, it's the best!

Turtle Beach - Headset range Xmas 2014 - 2022
In collaboration with Lick PR, Decibel supported the placement of Turtle Beach's headset range for Xmas 2014 - 2022! This Christmas was even better than last and we got coverage in most lifestyle and specialist gift guides as well as reviews in top outlets across the board. Let's go Xmas 2023!

Roto VR - Motorised VR Chair
Roto VR approached us to help announce and generate press buzz around their brand new VR chair peripheral. We set up a preview press day at Loading Bar in Dalston and organised press attendance at Eurogamer Rezzed. Roto is now fully funded and looking to launch later in 2016. Decibel will be doing the PR every step of the way!

Lara Croft: GO - iOS
In collaboration with Brown Betty PR, Decibel directed this highly successful campaign from annoucenment to review stage and scored coverage pretty mcuh everywhere videogames are written about! We were helped of course by the fact this was a super awesome title! Square knocked this one out of the park and so did we!

Table Top Racing - iOS/Android
Playrise Digital asked us to come up with a full scale, global PR campaign to launch 'Table Top Racing' initially on iPhone and more recently on Android, next stage is PS Vita! Decibel generated the markerting materials and PR plans which were directly implemented in the final iPhone and Android campaigns and helped contribute to this titles massive success.
This is just a small sample of our work. To see more or discuss possible projects >>